He asks those men taking Aspirin or similar medications such as Advil, Motrin, Aleve and Naproxen to stop taking them 2 weeks before (and for 3 days after) the vasectomy because they can thin your blood and cause bleeding. Instead, use acetaminophen (Tylenol®) during this time if you need to relieve pain.
To help you relax and minimize any anxiety you may have, Dr. Mostowfi may prescribe a sedative for you to take the night before and the morning of the procedure. If you do take the preoperative sedative, please arrange for a family member or friend to drive you to and from the office on the day of the procedure. Other than that, the only thing you really have to do is shave (the penis and scrotum) the day of surgery and arrive to your appointment on-time. Dr. Mostowfi recommends using shaving cream and a new, disposable razor not Neet, Nair, or any other depilatory as it leaves the scrotum itchy, red, and swollen.
You will leave to go home with your ride (most men have someone drive them home and must do so if they take the preoperative sedative). After you return home, take it easy. You may experience a day or two of soreness, which you can treat with acetaminophen (Tylenol®). You may also have minimal bruising, but the discoloration should lighten and disappear after about two weeks. You may take a shower the day after surgery, but avoid bathing and swimming for two or three days. Refrain from sports and heavy lifting for at least a week. If you have a desk job, you can probably return to work the next day. If you perform physical labor or have a job that requires much walking or driving, you can resume working after two days or so.
You may choose to wear an athletic supporter/jock strap for a few days after the surgery if you feel you would benefit from the support. The majority of our patients have told us that since they didn’t experience much discomfort after the surgery, they never felt the need to wear the supporter. However, if you do heavy work or lots of sports, you may be more comfortable with the extra support for a week or so after surgery.
Vasectomy has a success rate higher than 99 percent, making it one of the most effective forms of birth control. But it isn’t effective immediately after the surgery. Although you can have sex as soon as three days after a vasectomy, you temporarily remain capable of fathering a child with the sperm that still remain in the ducts. It generally takes at least 20 ejaculations to flush them all out.
Use a backup method of birth control until you have a semen analysis. You’ll need to have two of these tests: the first about eight weeks after your vasectomy, the second about twelve weeks after surgery. Once you have two consecutive tests showing no sperm, you are considered sterile and will no longer need to use other methods of birth control. |